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Teenagers, women, ladies are all the same. they really care about beauty. there are lots of definition about 'beauty' though. Men and women tend to re-define the means of beauty. furthermore, being beauty, You will get everything. Beauty means you are slim, tall, white skin, flawless, look younger than your age! that is what the definition connoted.

Beauty is defined differently in some other countries and it looks like it is a culture debate, being a beauty. More or less, our society cares external appearance instead of the inner beauty. Gwiyomi connotes the same idea. Some people out there say beauty is a pain. there you go a story about a woman dares to be different by undergoes a plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery for a countless time in order to get satisfies beauty she dreams of. The man is also towards the same path.

What will you get after being a beauty? Ans: Everything Anything under the sun.

So what will happen if you are not a beauty? Stop.

a beauty is NOT everything. FULLSTOP.

Even YOU are not beauty, you still may get the job offer, love, and marriage. Show them your effort and they will gradually acknowledge you. You will be treated sincerely whether they like or not about you. In other word, you will get the sincere answer from them. Not only that, you shall have enjoyed your life to the fullest. Rejoice your life with something meaningful rather thinking about being rejected. You perhaps get better than the beauties out there. Beauty will not last longer, it will die eventually.

You Reader, may find I don't talk much about what is the advantages for not born beauty. My words may not much, but the life experience you will face (go through) will teach you about "beauty is not everything."

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