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Putrajaya as the place to visit in Malaysia.

Hi there,

It's cold morning in Malaysia. I am interested to show you (the reader) about my country and its beautiful places. What can i say is i am proud to say as a Malaysian. The county is calm and peace. I feel bless to be born here.

         Malaysia is famous with "Malaysia truly Asia". throughout the year, Malaysia is highlighted to be the most visited place. Somehow, there a people are not know this yet and i hope when he visits my blog, he would definitely know what it is and has kind of interest to visit and stay here. 

 If you are one of the tourist and traveler, choose this country for your next destination to visit. Where you come from is doesn't a matter. You are welcome here! :D

            As for now, I would recommend about Putrajaya and its distinction. Its locates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The most spectacular place there is Masjid Putrajaya ( Putra Mosque). Everyone can enter this mosque but in certain time and condition. Next is The prime minister's office at Perdana Putra. Well, Putrajaya also have a list of bridges, public building and monuments and major highways. Putrajaya is home to the world's largest roundabout with a diameter of 3.5 km. (2.7 miles). Once you enter, you would feel that you're in other country of Malaysia with its beautiful and large place. 

Another place in Putrajaya is the place you can have sightseeing the scenery. You also can do many activity start from picnic, walking, cycling, boating, cruising until kayaking at taman botani, wetland park or at taman ekuestrian. 

In addition, many people will wait until the night to overlook the beautiful sightseeing view of lights from the putrajaya lake. 

Putra Mosque

Alamanda Mall

The most important to know is how to get in:
Retrieved from here

By plane

The nearest airport is Kuala Lumpur International Airport. A coupon or metered budget taxi to or from KLIA will take 30 minutes and cost around RM60. Alternatively, you can take the KLIA Transit from the airport to Putrajaya station and transfer to a taxi.

By train

For public transport the fastest choice is the KLIA Transit connecting Kuala Lumpur's Sentral train station to its airport, which stops halfway in between at Putrajaya. Trains run every 30 minutes, take 20 minutes and the list price is RM 9.50 one-way. Putrajaya tour return tickets are no longer available.
Note: KLIA Ekspres services which is a special service route of KLIA Transit do not stop at Putrajaya. But normal KLIA Transit trains stops at Putrajaya.

One can Board a Rapid KL Bus from Putrajaya Sentral to KLSentral. Its the easiest way to reach Kuala Lumpur City from Putra Jaya

By taxi

Coupon taxis from Kuala Lumpur's KL Sentral cost a fixed RM45, but otherwise you'll have to try out your bargaining skills - figure on RM40-50, and expect to pay more at night.

By bus

Bus service is provided from 6:30AM until 10PM to and from Cyberjaya, Putrajaya, Serdang commuter station, Sinar Kota and Pasar Seni LRT station in Kuala Lumpur. The bus fare for one-way is around RM 3.50 and takes about 30 minutes-one hour, depends on the traffic flow. Usually, on non-working days the time the buses take to arrive at Putrajaya will be much faster, but the frequency of the buses will be accordingly reduced.
The new Express network by Rapid KL at KL Sentral to Putrajaya with only RM 5 for an unlimited daily pass.
All public buses from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya drop and pick up passengers from the bus terminal beside the train station (Putrajaya Sentral), which is at least 5 km from the core district.
Shuttle buses to/from KL are provided by some hotels for guests, such as Shangri-la.

You expect to know how to get around:
Retrieved from here

Public transportation within Putrajaya is woefully inadequate, as distances are long and you need wheels to get around. Occasional Nadiputra buses putter about from the train station at random times in random directions. These buses charge a flat fare of 50 sen. Your best bet is probably to enquire at KLIA or KL Sentral about organized tours. There are also public two-hour tours at 11.30 AM and 3 PM on Saturday and Sunday only, departing from the information centre at Selera Putra adjacent to the Putra Mosque, that charge only a token RM 1 for the bus.

[edit]By taxi

Coupon taxis from the Transit station charge RM8-10 to most points in Putrajaya. Other taxis are limited and it's best to book by phone at +60-3-5512-2266. Other taxi hotlines include: Putrajaya Cyberjaya Radio Taxi at +60 03 8888 4000, which operates 24hours. The meter starts ticking from RM4, but many cabbies are reluctant to use theirs. Chartering starts from RM30/hour, negotiable downwards.

By monorail

Construction of the Putrajaya Monorail has been halted until the occupancy of the Core District becomes higher.

You do not have to worry about where to sleep. There are many place such as hotel to stay overnight. You can stay at cyberview lodge and Resort, equatorial bangi-putrajaya, marriott putrajaya, palm garden hotel, Shangri-La putrajaya.



  1. nice entry! like it! (y) =) &yah...keep it up!:)

    1. thank you..singgah lah baca entry yg lain juga. tqvm :)


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