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eyesome places in Hong Kong. tempat percutian menarik dan makanan Halal

lock of love. 

night's view (Times Square)

night view

corn bakwan


Stanley Beach

eye-catching view


lock of heart (forgot the place name)

stair(s) to Mosque

Muslim Cemetary (tombs are usually in that kind of shape)


Asssalamualaikum w.b.t

A year has passed since my last entry. what a lazy woman I am meh?
Well, last January I went for my two weeks holiday. It was a short escapism. The one and only country I gone to and fell in love with, HONG KONG.

what makes it special?
1. people. the people (The Chinese) there are generous, friendly, and open-minded.

2. place. It is safe for us (tourists) to walk alone without guardian or friend because the polices patrol at many places. *Please bring along your passport at any time.

3. shop. I love to shop and this country gives me satisfaction. The price is affordable and negociatable.
4. street market. the street markets (such as Jadin market, Wan Chai market, etc) sell most of the China mesmerise handicrafts.

5. Transportation. There are buses, taxi(s), MTR, trems (ten ten). I rather walk because i can take a look at discount products sold at the shop. haha

6. The Halal food. The Halal food can be found:
1) Canteen, Islamic Union of Hong Kong.
2) supermarket (find Halal lebel)
3) Indo groceries (Most of Malaysia products  also can be found here)
4) Indonesian stall (there are few famouse restaurants such as Warung Malang and some other hidden places). Normally, they make their houses as the restaurants thus You need to ask the location from the local or Indonesian community.
5) wet market. It it easy to find fresh fish, fruits and vegetables here. It usually open early in the morning and close at 7pm. I choose to cook (home made) and this place is always my fav spot. The other reason is because my brother's house locates near the wet market. I can just buy shrimp and fish from the door. haha

7. The sea and beaches. I love them a lot. I usually go to Stanley beach for barbecue and Usrah. I participate in many activities organized by Islamic Union of HK. I can know many people and befriend with them even just 2 weeks time. Muslims are the brotherhood.

HONG KONG ren ni hao


street market

Times Square, HK

trems and buses

office of Islamic Union HK 

Halal din sum

prawn  din sum


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