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Enjoyable place in Malaysia: A GreAt WeEkeNd aT tiMes SqUaRe

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Proud to be a Malaysian. The visitor/tourist that looking a great place for shopping and playing games would  interest to read till the end. I would briefly explain my journey based on my own experience. You are most welcome to have a look!!!

Thank to Allah for grant me such a beautiful day. I have a great + Fantastic weekend with my room mates! We  decide to have a thrilling games and such we choose TIMES SQUARE -----> Theme Park!!

~We have plan for 2 weeks beforehand and many of people agreed to join us (including the Brothers). But there is a twist and only 7 sisters left! we definitely would not change the Plan..

How can we go there???
- NOT much I know but the place located at a strategic place where the bus/taxi/monorail are there. You can choose either one or two  public transport and the driver can speak in English! it easier for the traveller/tourist.

The cost??
- Nothing I can do about it. It depend on the journey, does it takes long or in short period. 

Theme Park at Times Square.
The cost is different for each game packages.

- The gigantic indoor theme park, measuring 133,000 square feet, offers thrilling rides and activities for your family and friends. Berjaya Times Square Theme Park is located at level  5 & 7, Berjaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia’s largest inner-city shopping-cum leisure mall.

CLICK HERE  for further information.

Yes, we arrived safely. The fees only RM38 (with MyKad)!! it costs cheaper than the one I've tried before (overseas). Oh, yeah, we having difficulty to choose the games!

-Do not worries of lost you money/property. You can booked a locker to put your items there! 

I can't explain the attraction of the place but there's a website of this CLICK HERE INDOOR theme park information

Some picture captured :P

have some fun with the car. My friend just look so adorable!! 

For those who likes Challenge. You can choose to play this. It's call Space attack!
You like hanging yourself and would have difficulty to breath normally. You also would feel like felt from a building/mountain!

Driving no need a lisence! you can also bump people's car! Robo Car.

No jokes!!!

Don't miss the roller coaster! The roller coaster can make you flying!! Moreover, you can screaming any time you want without being called a crazy. You are not the only one who screaming. haha

Any games for childdren?
Yes, definitely! the kids would also experience the same but it rather more enjoyable. I also envy with the kids game! its much beautiful and colourful decoration..hehee

Looking for foods and drinks???
Again, The theme park is located in the building and there are many kind of restaurant would fit with your appetite.
Warning: do not takes a heavy food before you start the game. The games is totally can make you dizzy.

> McDonald
>Dubu Dubu
>Shabu Shabu
>Food Court
>Medan Selera
>Sushi King
>Hot & Roll
>Buskin Robbin
>Cool Blog

For Muslim, You don't have to worry about where you can perform the prayer. The Musolla is located in the building. (forgot which level). The musolla is divided with gender.

  A satisfaction day only YOU can get here! You can either shopping or playing games OR both. I choose both thus I spent a day at there! :D



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