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Showing posts from April, 2013

pusat penjagaan kanak-kanak Damansara

Assalamualaikum..... Wahh, beruntung bila dapat join class trip..walau pun penat, saya masih merajinkan diri nak update blog.. (itupon kalau org baca) *smile apakah??? anda berkerjaya? anak masih kecil? tiada masa? ingin melatih anak anda fasih berbahasa?? (eng, malay, arabic) Inilah nursery yang saya nak cerita nih... oke, entry ini ditujukan kepada para ibu bapa. If ada yang berminat nak hantar anak2 anda ke pusat penjagaan, boleh lah search dan cari alamat ini: Address: B3A-2-1 Level 1 Jalan Teknologi PJU 2/1B Signature Park Kota Damansara Petaling Jaya - 47810 Selangor Contact: The Centre Director Email: nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh  klick: ingin memohon pekerjaan boleh klik: Seriously tempat ini cukup pakej untuk anak-anak anda!! actually nak cerita detai...

cfs iium----> SMAC13

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. lama sudah tak update entry di ruangan blog. Al maklum busy teramat, mengalahkan PM jerr dah rasanya. Baru-baru ini CFS IIUM telah mengadakan SMAC13 yg bertemakan "today we are athletes tomorrow we are Islamic Warriors" Acara ini memang wajib diadakan dan ramai yang terlibat. Termasuk lah hamba Allah ini. Walaupun sibuk dengan assignment, masih 'terpaksa' menyempatkan diri untuk turun padang bagi memeriahkan acara.  Malu jugak rasa hati, tebal jugak muka ni hah waktu bersorak. Kami kan cheers untuk pasukan BENCOM students. Keriuhan kami jelas terdengar sekitar court. Opps, kami hanya bersorak ketika sisters bertanding sahaja. Kalau brothers tu kami just claps...(walau dlm hati menjerit kegeraman) hihiii Sedikit mendukacitakan apabila pasukan kami tidak menang. Dengan jumlah ahli kami yang sedikit, tambahan lagi brothers cuma minority memang menjadi faktor kumpulan kami terancam. Thanks a lot brothers yang...

segmen: saya mahu review blog korang

klik mcm best!!! :D

the waking

The Waking Theodore Roethke  (1953) I woke to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. We think by feeling. What is there to know? I hear my being dance from ear to ear. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. Of those so close beside me, which are you? God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there, and learn by going where I have to go. Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how? The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair; I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. Great Nature has another thing to do To you and me; so take the lively air, And, lovely, learn by going where to go. This shaking keeps me steady. I should know. What falls away is always. And is near. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I learn by going where I have to go. P/s: another piece of poem. :D 

Poem: "A beautiful woman without a mercy"

John Keats (1795–1821).  The Poetical Works of John Keats.  1884. 55. La Belle Dame Sans Merci Ballad I. O WHAT can ail thee, knight-at-arms,   Alone and palely loitering? The sedge has wither’d from the lake,   And no birds sing. II. O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms!         5   So haggard and so woe-begone? The squirrel’s granary is full,   And the harvest’s done. III. I see a lily on thy brow   With anguish moist and fever dew,         10 And on thy cheeks a fading rose   Fast withereth too. IV. I met a lady in the meads,   Full beautiful—a faery’s child, Her hair was long, her foot was light,         15   And her eyes were wild. V. I made a garland for her head,   And bracelets too, and fragr...

mY 20th biRthDaY

Syukur kehadrat Allah.s.w.t... Happy birthday to ME, happy birthday to Me...again! happy birthday to ma... (tepuk sikit!) haha T epat pada hari Rabu bersamaan 3 April yg lalu, maka genaplah umur saya yang ke-20...Wahh, dah menginjak ke angka dua..MashaAllah, cepatnya masa berlalu. I thought I just anak hingusan but indeed I am a lady now! Anak dara mak saya... :) Tak ada kek secret recipe.. main redah beli kek coklat rm7 dekat pasar malam PJ. cukup lah nak memenuhi syarat potong kek. Tiada hadiah istimewa juga dari keluarga. Mungkin mereka anggap saya dah besar kott!! but, seriously i need something as a memory~~ orang tak tiap-tiap hari sambut birthday tau..hmm..ok fine....sedih sorang ! Happy that my mum still remember my day..because almost everyday tiap kali telefon "mak, jangan lupa tarikh keramat 3 April tau".. and guess what, my mum ups sikit my pocket money bulan nih..Yeah, Alhamdulillah... Happy belated to my twin Nurul Anasuha. She also celebrates...

'Segmen bloglist setahun by Arni'

JOIN lar jugak ^^)

a test from HIM

Aku banyak menangis, mengapa haru aku kehilangan ayah diusiaku 4 tahun, aku menangis andai Allah mengambil ibu dari aku, aku menangis bila  sahabatku meninggalkan aku dengan perkerjaan yang menimbun.. berkali-kali aku merasa lemah tidak berdaya. aku menangis dan terus menagis hingga tiada lagi titisan yang membasahi pipiku. aku menjerit macari semangat yang masih berbaki. aku tidak menyedari.... Aku lupa, aku alpa..Allah itu Maha Mengetahui..setiap ujian yang Dia turunkan itu adalah untuk mengajar aku menjadi kuat dan selalu dekat dengan-Nya.

nak BurgeR, please~~

krook,krookk~~ perut dah keroncong macam-macam bunyi..eih, jam 1 pagi kot lapar ni... apeker hal mengidam pagi hari ni =,= mengidam yang minggu lepas pon belum tertunai..aduh, susahnya nak dapat makan mee kari yang sedap macam dekat merrybrown...  sekarang, jam 1 pagi mengidam nak makan burger pulaks..salah kucing tuh lahh tayang pict geget burger dekat facebook!! macam mana lah kalau aku preggy nanti??? maunya juling mata en.suami ~~ hahaha

Maera Ismail Giveaway 2013


1st Giveaway by Nabihah Ahmad

nak join CLICK sini

Enjoyable place in Malaysia: A GreAt WeEkeNd aT tiMes SqUaRe

A ssalamualaikum w.b.t Proud to be a Malaysian. The visitor/tourist that looking a great place for shopping and playing games would  interest to read till the end. I would briefly explain my journey based on my own experience. You are most welcome to have a look!!! Thank to Allah for grant me such a beautiful day. I have a great + Fantastic weekend with my room mates! We  decide to have a thrilling games and such we choose TIMES SQUARE -----> Theme Park!! ~We have plan for 2 weeks beforehand and many of people agreed to join us (including the Brothers). But there is a twist and only 7 sisters left! we definitely would not change the Plan.. How can we go there??? - NOT much I know but the place located at a strategic place where the bus/taxi/monorail are there. You can choose either one or two   public transport and the driver can speak in English! it easier for the traveller/tourist. The cost?? - Nothing I can do about it. It depend on the jou...